Monday, August 6, 2007


Well, a new month, so a new blog. I will have more access to a computer once school starts, so my blog will be updated a lot more.

The corn is over with! My car lasted the whole summer! It now has over 178,000 miles. Yeah, time to be shopping for a new car.

Also, Marisa and I went to visit our niece and brother and sister this weekend. It was a good time of catching up and visiting. Lily is adorable, but I know what you are thinking, we are not planning on having a bundle of joy for atleast a couple of more years.
Also, stopped by Mr. Brian Hartsell's home. We played some Wii, and now Marisa and I are debating on whether or not to invest in one. Maybe a Christmas gift for the both of us. I highly recommend the Wii.

School is starting for the both of us. Marisa has her own classroom! I helped her decorate last week, and it looks good in spite of my help.

Ok. the ever popular movie critiques.
Breach: A very good story. Not much action. In sightly. Good characters. A good relaxing movie that will entertain all types of movie lovers. It was also nice to have a movie without BIG special effects.

Premonition: GREAT story! Intriguing. You will not know what will happen in the end. A thriller with twists and turns. A good movie to watch with a special someone. Sandra Bullock does a great job. A movie for people would like a little bit of "scariness" but without the gore.

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